158 research outputs found

    Systemy nadzoru korporacyjnego w Polsce i w Niemczech – analiza porównawcza

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    Sponsorami konferencji byli: Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce Oddział Okręgowy w Łodzi, Krajowa Izba Biegłych Rewidentów

    Z japońskiej perspektywy

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    FROM A JAPANESE PERSPECTIVE: THE WESTERN INFLUENCES IN THE WORKS OF ŌGAI The article focuses on how Mori Ōgai (1862-1922), a Japanese writer, translator and literary critic, incorporated references to European literature and culture in his novellas: Maihime (The Dancing Girl, 1890), Mōsō (Delusion, 1911) and Hanako (1910). The hermeneutic approach sheds light on the Japanese author’s vivid interest in foreign languages, cultural symbols, philosophy and arts which contributes to the intricate image of foreign influences in his oeuvre and invite his readers and translators in Europe to revisit their own cultural tradition

    Embryological processes in ovules of Rudbeckia laciniata L. (Asteraceae) from Poland

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    Embryological researches of an invasive plant Rudbeckia laciniata focused on the process of megasporogenesis, female gametophyte formation, and fertilization. A disturbed first meiotic division results in the formation of restitution nucleus. In some megaspore mother cells micronuclei or vacuoles were observed near the restitution nucleus. Different course of megasporogenesis led to the development of unreduced embryo sacs with various organization which is reflected in the embryo formation and capacity of seed germination. Our research confirmed the occurrence of hemigamy in the Polish representatives of R . laciniata. In spite of a reduced germination capacity of R . laciniata seeds, their production allows a long-distance dispersal and expansion of the species

    A degree centrality in multi-layered social network

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    Multi-layered social networks reflect complex relationships existing in modern interconnected IT systems. In such a network each pair of nodes may be linked by many edges that correspond to different communication or collaboration user activities. Multi-layered degree centrality for multi-layered social networks is presented in the paper. Experimental studies were carried out on data collected from the real Web 2.0 site. The multi-layered social network extracted from this data consists of ten distinct layers and the network analysis was performed for different degree centralities measures